Shipping & Return Policy

6.1- cancellation and refund policy. 

              6.1.1 Any products, goods and services that are specially designed or manufactured or assembled according to the request of the user or client will not be eligible to cancelation, the user shall pay all due amounts, expenses and fees. In case the user didn’t or refused to accept the products, goods and the service in the date and time that was specified when ordering, the order shall be considered done and delivered and the vendor shall have all the right to claim all its due amounts, expenses and fees. 

              6.1.2 The user  and client shall have the right to cancel the order 3 days prior to the date of delivery (the period includes the date of the cancellation day and the date of the delivery day) a cancelation fee of 1% of the total order amount shall be deducted in case of the user have cancelled the order , a refund shall be issued to the user and client within 15 working days. 

              6.1.3 The user shall have the right to cancel the order 3 days prior the delivery date (the period includes the date of the cancellation day and the date of the delivery day) a cancelation fee of 1% of the total order amount shall be deducted, a refund shall be issued to the user and client within 15 working days. 

              6.1.4 If the user cancelled the order in the same delivery date a fee of 100% of the total order amount shall be deducted as a penalty for the entire value of the order.

              6.1.5 if the order was made for the special occasions (ex. Long weekends, 25-26 Feb., Mother’s Day, New Year’s Eve, Eid Al Fiter & Eid Al Adha, and the holidays that are connected to it.. ect), The user  shall have the right to cancel the order 5 days prior to the date of delivery (the period includes the date of the cancellation day and the date of the delivery day) a cancelation fee of 1% of the total order amount shall be deducted, a refund shall be issued to the user and client within 15 working days.

              6.1.6  If the request is made for special occasions (for example long weekends, 25-26 February, Mother’s Day, New Year’s Eve, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, and the holidays that are connected to it … etc.), the user is  not entitled to cancel the order if the cancellation is 4 days before From the date of delivery (the period includes the date of the day of cancellation and the date of the day of delivery) and a cancellation fee of 100% is deducted from the total order amount.

              6.1.7  Coupon/Discount codes are nonrefundable.

              6.1.8 Customer has the right to postpone the order due to unexpected situations such as bad weather conditions to up to a maximum of 30 days after the original delivery date, taking into consideration cancellation time.

              6.1.9 Bands and DJ-Musical Bands, Dancing Bands and DJs are available only for family gatherings and gathering that are compliance with the conditions and public morals.-Musical Bands, Dancing Bands and DJs individuals have the rights not to perform in the case of not conformity with the conditions and public morals and customer will be one-hundred percent (100%) responsible for the Order amount for any cancellation at the day of delivery (Cancellation fees = 100% of the total amount).

              6.1.10 If the order delivery address/location was in a public place (not private) or in a place that requires a permission from any private or public concerned party, and the client don’t have it before the delivery date, we will have the right to cancel the order, and the cancellation policy will be applied.